Kit Kat: The rising power of customers

By |2020-04-02T20:28:01-04:00Agosto 29th, 2012|

The marketing communications theories have changed in the last decades, the traditional way of making advertising has less influence, the mass market have been impacted by technology, making it more shrunk and fragmented. This has made traditional advertising model more expensive and less effective. Internet has made 2 great things, individualization and customizations of marketing and [...]

Nestle´s Mistake in Social Media Networking

By |2023-07-15T11:00:15-04:00Septiembre 20th, 2011|

The International company Nestle had one of a case in Social Medias in 2010, and their strategy is an example of a bad communication that unleashed a corporate crisis. It all begun on march 17 when Greenpeace published are article about Nestle and the use of Palm Oil from Indonesia to elaborate their products and [...]

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