Stock Buy-Backs: What do the Executives Have to Say?

By |2020-04-02T20:28:04-04:00Diciembre 2nd, 2011|

In times when markets are getting out of recessions or there is a bad performance of the stock markets, there will be an increase in the companies announcing of stock buy-back. This commonly happens when they have extra cash -not always- and must decide how to invest it, one way is to purchase and retire some [...]

Profits for the Future Retirement: Alternative Asset Classes

By |2020-04-02T20:28:04-04:00Noviembre 28th, 2011|

Beyond the three primary asset classes where we find bonds, stocks and cash, we have many other types of investments that can be used to diversify our portfolios. These assets are called “Alternative Asset Classes” and cover a wide range of investment opportunities. The more important categories include hedge funds, private equity, natural resources, real estate, [...]

Use of Metrics: Evaluating a Development Plan

By |2023-07-30T11:01:11-04:00Noviembre 24th, 2011|

The purpose of the present report is to make a summation of topics that a company must consider on to implement a Metrics Measurement Plan. – Introduction to Metrics in the Companies Most companies have several different reporting systems and productivity tools to collect and display data related to sales, customer activity, marketing campaigns, market [...]

Diversified Investment Portfolio

By |2023-07-30T10:48:14-04:00Noviembre 24th, 2011|

When talking about investing in capital or investing funds we think in earning incomes with the lowest risks as possible or even risk free. The problem is that in this day’s instrument that can be considered almost “risk free” -the Treasure Bonds of the US Government- are giving poor returns. For example, the 5 year [...]

Drug Companies vs Facebook

By |2023-07-15T11:14:43-04:00Septiembre 22nd, 2011|

I found an interesting situation related with the Pharmaceutical Companies and Facebook. In August 15 of 2011, no more than a month ago, these companies started to be legally required to disclose all the information related with benefits, risk, and contraindications of their products and if they sponsorship friendly or useful information about diseases in [...]

Nestle´s Mistake in Social Media Networking

By |2023-07-15T11:00:15-04:00Septiembre 20th, 2011|

The International company Nestle had one of a case in Social Medias in 2010, and their strategy is an example of a bad communication that unleashed a corporate crisis. It all begun on march 17 when Greenpeace published are article about Nestle and the use of Palm Oil from Indonesia to elaborate their products and [...]

Banks´ Cyberspace Attacks

By |2020-04-02T20:28:05-04:00Septiembre 15th, 2011|

It seems that the best way to avoid phishing attacks is the called Two Factor Authentication (TFA) method, that in simple word uses two independent kind of authentication methods, one “you know”, in the most cases your password, and the other can be one “you have”, most of them are pin number generators called One Time [...]

Phishing, a barrier to E-commerce

By |2020-04-02T20:28:05-04:00Septiembre 13th, 2011|

Phishing is a criminal mechanism employing both social engineering and technical subterfuge to steal consumers’ personal identity data and financial account credentials carried out by email spooling or instant messaging threats. The way it works is that you enter details at fake websites, that look and feel almost identical to the legitimate one, then they capture [...]

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