DirecTV: Prepaid television for all?

By |2020-04-02T20:28:01-04:00Noviembre 13th, 2012|

Introduction During the year 2008 the satellite pay-tv company DirecTV (DTV) developed an interesting marketing campaign in Chile, focusing on a specific strategy for the re-launch of their prepaid satellite TV service. We will analyze the reaches of this campaign and the considerations for a potential adaption to the US market. The Chilean Marketing Communication Campaign [...]

Ethnographic Research Method for Business Applications

By |2020-04-02T20:28:01-04:00Agosto 30th, 2012|

Introduction The present study wants to reveal what is the qualitative Ethnographic Research (ER) method about, what is their scope, under what circumstances is advantageous to use, the limitations and some recommendations to have the best understanding. The inspiration starts with the successful experience of Hyundai and the use of their own ER method called “Touch [...]

Kit Kat: The rising power of customers

By |2020-04-02T20:28:01-04:00Agosto 29th, 2012|

The marketing communications theories have changed in the last decades, the traditional way of making advertising has less influence, the mass market have been impacted by technology, making it more shrunk and fragmented. This has made traditional advertising model more expensive and less effective. Internet has made 2 great things, individualization and customizations of marketing and [...]

Voice of Customers: Lessons from Hyundai and MarketSoft

By |2013-09-06T03:24:41-04:00Julio 1st, 2012|

The Hyundai example shows us an innovative way to restructure a product like their 2007 Santa Fe model. This ethnographic method permitted gain a better understanding of the target customers, watching, listening, asking questions and letting customers speak freely with the researches about their lives (Kluter & Mottran, 2007). One lesson that we have to consider [...]

Pfizer´s Exubera: Changing the strategy, looking for new customers

By |2013-09-11T03:55:28-04:00Junio 28th, 2012|

As we saw in the Eli Lilly case, the company tried to sell products like the synthetic insulin Humulin, where really there was no market that has willing to pay premium prices, no pain found, and as Adams (2002) tells us, first we have to validate the market and ask what product customers want. In this [...]

Shifting the basis of competition: The DoCoMo opportunity

By |2013-09-10T21:11:30-04:00Junio 25th, 2012|

The company DoCoMo built their strategy for its “i-mode” service around some competitive advantages related with the exclusiveness and restricted access of their for-subscribers content. One main difference form other mobile carriers was that this content was provided by third party partners.   Another brilliant decision was to use young people as initial target customers, because [...]

The amazing iPod: “Open the pod bay door, HAL”

By |2013-09-06T14:59:00-04:00Junio 20th, 2012|

It´s amazing how the iPod was developed. We can make the questions, what drives an innovative product?  The technology, the idea, the adaptation to the need of the potential customers? Maybe it´s all of it. The insights that Steve Jobs gives us can bring some lights. Innovation it´s not a process, it comes from the passion [...]

Crossing the chasm: Choosing the right market for Color Kinetics

By |2013-11-11T19:59:05-04:00Mayo 17th, 2012|

In the year 1999 the LED technology had some difficulties remaining to the product itself, like being expensive, difficult to install, not very bright and not come in white lightning. But by the other hand, had some interesting and unique characteristics like having rich saturated colors, could be programed to run automatically in sequence of changing [...]

Tópicos para una Investigación de Mercado

By |2020-04-02T20:28:02-04:00Abril 30th, 2012|

1.- Investigación de Mercado para la comercialización de un nuevo producto ¿Cómo iniciar una investigación de mercado? Antes que nada, Usted debe investigar los tipos de clientes posibles en el área geográfica en la que pretende establecerse. Los resultados de esta actividad le permitirán saber a quién va a servir con sus productos o servicios. También debe [...]

The power of adaptation in Asian Nations

By |2013-09-06T16:19:51-04:00Marzo 28th, 2012|

To understand national cultures and how they vary depending on specific countries, the social psychologist Geert Hofstede conducted one of the most comprehensive studies of how values in the workplace are influenced by culture (Hofstede, 2012) based in 4 value dimensions. With this in mind, we have to discover if the management style has to be [...]

Wendy´s Case: Marketing Research to Resolve a Management Problem

By |2013-09-13T20:41:58-04:00Marzo 2nd, 2012|

Executive Summary Wendy´s is a restaurant chain that is immersed in the Fast Food Restaurant Industry where we can find companies that compete in different segments, being Burger, Sandwich, Snacks/Beverages, Chicken and Pizza the most important. By system wide sales, Wendy´s Company is the number 4 in the US; behind McDonalds, Subway and Burger King, they [...]

Marketing Research: Subaru´s Looking for Long-term Relationship with Customers

By |2020-04-02T20:28:02-04:00Febrero 3rd, 2012|

We can describe customer loyalty as the fact that people chooses to buy or use a particular product, brand or company, rather than use others, customers exhibit brand or customer loyalty when they consistently purchase a certain product or brand over an extended period of time. There is behavioral and attitudinal loyalty. The first one refers [...]

Starbucks: A Marketing Research Lesson

By |2020-04-02T20:28:02-04:00Enero 27th, 2012|

When thinking in Starbucks, we recall on one of the largest coffeehouse companies in the world (Malhotra, 2010). But what makes Starbucks so special that has grown from no more than 2.400 stores 12 years ago to almost 17.000 stores around the world right now? (2010 Annual Report Form 10-K, 2011) We can find the answer [...]

Open Your Business Plan to Consumers, Part 2

By |2023-07-30T09:51:43-04:00Septiembre 28th, 2011|

LG Mobile Phones in collaboration with the crowdsourcing company Crowd Spring made in 2010 a campaign that consisted in a competition to get new definitions for the next generation of mobile communication. The participant had the chance to give their vision of the next generation of mobile phone and predict what´s next in 2 or [...]

Open Your Business Plan to Consumers, Part 1

By |2023-07-30T09:40:15-04:00Septiembre 27th, 2011|

The term “Marketing Mix” first appeared in the 50s and was a term uses by Neil Borden is his classes but was an early idea of James Culliton that in the 40s described the Marketing Manager as a “mixer of ingredients”. Later in 1960 Jerome McCarthy grouped these ingredients in the 4Ps that we know until now: [...]

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