Dakar Rally in Saudi Arabia? The Great Wall Motors approach

By |2020-04-02T20:28:01-04:00Enero 9th, 2013|

The Chilean automotive industry has some distinctive characteristics that make it one of the most competitive in the world. In Chile you can find a large number of brands from all over the world, with an established offer of more than 1,400 models and versions dominated by the functionality and a strong ratio quality-price of the [...]

Argentina: A creative advertising country

By |2020-04-02T20:28:01-04:00Diciembre 27th, 2012|

Description of Argentina Argentina is the second largest country in South America behind Brazil, and the third economy of all Latin American nations reaching a GDP (ppp) per capita of almost 15,000 dollars (Index Mundi, 2011). The country covers a territory of almost 2.8 million square meters from a sub-tropical climate by the north to the [...]

Transbank: Pay everything with “Redcompra” Marketing Campaign could work in South Africa?

By |2020-04-02T20:28:01-04:00Diciembre 19th, 2012|

The Chilean Marketing Communication Campaign The Chilean company Transbank was thinking in a subprime post-crisis campaign for their debit card service Redcompra (something like “purchase network”) near the summer season of 2009. One of the major reasons to develop it was the constant awareness they had to make with the brand; people did not use the [...]

DirecTV: Prepaid television for all?

By |2020-04-02T20:28:01-04:00Noviembre 13th, 2012|

Introduction During the year 2008 the satellite pay-tv company DirecTV (DTV) developed an interesting marketing campaign in Chile, focusing on a specific strategy for the re-launch of their prepaid satellite TV service. We will analyze the reaches of this campaign and the considerations for a potential adaption to the US market. The Chilean Marketing Communication Campaign [...]

Master Dog “Dog Lover” marketing campaign in UK

By |2020-04-02T20:28:01-04:00Octubre 16th, 2012|

Introduction The present report is to analyze a marketing communication campaign that has been developed in the country of Chile and the needs to adapt it to the United Kingdom European Union (EU) country. We will consider the differences between both countries and what we need to make a successful adaptation. The original campaign was developed [...]

Marketing Communications strategy in a global basis: The McDonald´s example

By |2020-04-02T20:28:01-04:00Septiembre 9th, 2012|

One of the major challenges for companies in these days is the development and implementation of their marketing communications strategy in a global basis. Companies that have operations abroad need to make decisions concerning to their brand and how they will promote it. Some of the questions are: Will the firm have local brands in every [...]

Marketing at McDonald’s

By |2020-04-02T20:28:01-04:00Agosto 25th, 2012|

McDonald’s is one of the best known brands worldwide. This case study shows how McDonald’s aims to continually build its brand by listening to its customers. It also identifies the various stages in the marketing process. Branding develops a personality for an organization, product or service. The brand image represents how consumers view the organization. Branding [...]

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