Dakar Rally in Saudi Arabia? The Great Wall Motors approach

By |2020-04-02T20:28:01-04:00Enero 9th, 2013|

The Chilean automotive industry has some distinctive characteristics that make it one of the most competitive in the world. In Chile you can find a large number of brands from all over the world, with an established offer of more than 1,400 models and versions dominated by the functionality and a strong ratio quality-price of the [...]

Ethnographic Research Method for Business Applications

By |2020-04-02T20:28:01-04:00Agosto 30th, 2012|

Introduction The present study wants to reveal what is the qualitative Ethnographic Research (ER) method about, what is their scope, under what circumstances is advantageous to use, the limitations and some recommendations to have the best understanding. The inspiration starts with the successful experience of Hyundai and the use of their own ER method called “Touch [...]

How to Define a Marketing Research Problem

By |2020-04-02T20:28:02-04:00Julio 11th, 2012|

Preparing a perfect marketing research report depends on the research problem statement. The more clear and comprehensible your problem statement is, the more focused and directed your study will be. So how can you write the perfect marketing study statement of problem? Before telling you that, let’s see what is a marketing research problem is? In [...]

Voice of Customers: Lessons from Hyundai and MarketSoft

By |2013-09-06T03:24:41-04:00Julio 1st, 2012|

The Hyundai example shows us an innovative way to restructure a product like their 2007 Santa Fe model. This ethnographic method permitted gain a better understanding of the target customers, watching, listening, asking questions and letting customers speak freely with the researches about their lives (Kluter & Mottran, 2007). One lesson that we have to consider [...]

Pfizer´s Exubera: Changing the strategy, looking for new customers

By |2013-09-11T03:55:28-04:00Junio 28th, 2012|

As we saw in the Eli Lilly case, the company tried to sell products like the synthetic insulin Humulin, where really there was no market that has willing to pay premium prices, no pain found, and as Adams (2002) tells us, first we have to validate the market and ask what product customers want. In this [...]

Shifting the basis of competition: The DoCoMo opportunity

By |2013-09-10T21:11:30-04:00Junio 25th, 2012|

The company DoCoMo built their strategy for its “i-mode” service around some competitive advantages related with the exclusiveness and restricted access of their for-subscribers content. One main difference form other mobile carriers was that this content was provided by third party partners.   Another brilliant decision was to use young people as initial target customers, because [...]

Looking for Competitive Advantages: The Schwab Company

By |2013-09-12T01:09:17-04:00Junio 3rd, 2012|

The company Schwab has faced diverse threats and opportunities within its life. The first one was in 1975 when the government deregulated the brokerage commissions, permitting the companies to change their strategies on how they competed increasing the rivalry of the existing companies or the potentially new ones (Schilling, 2008). Schwab took advantages of this, providing [...]

Eli Lilly Case: Looking for the pain

By |2013-09-12T02:35:27-04:00Mayo 25th, 2012|

In the year 1995 Eli Lilly and Company (ELC) was enjoying a great success with their results, being by far the largest pharmaceutical firm for diabetes disease in the US, having near the 80 percent of the insulin market. Ron Chance, a Lilly research, said that “We can´t get any better than Humulin. And we can´t [...]

Crossing the chasm: Choosing the right market for Color Kinetics

By |2013-11-11T19:59:05-04:00Mayo 17th, 2012|

In the year 1999 the LED technology had some difficulties remaining to the product itself, like being expensive, difficult to install, not very bright and not come in white lightning. But by the other hand, had some interesting and unique characteristics like having rich saturated colors, could be programed to run automatically in sequence of changing [...]

The Genzyme case: Beyond innovation

By |2020-04-02T20:28:02-04:00Mayo 10th, 2012|

The company Genzyme and their starting product Ceredase are clear examples of a firm that went beyond innovation, reaching the status of a real entrepreneurship firm. The company started its operation in the year 1981, and was formed by a group of scientist that worked investigating genetically inherited enzyme diseases. In further years they generated excellent results, [...]

Doing Business in Brazil: The Walmart and Lenovo cases

By |2020-04-02T20:28:02-04:00Abril 30th, 2012|

Brief Story of Brazil Brazil is the 5th largest economy in the world, and by coincidence is also the 5th country by population and area, with an estimate population of 200 million people toward the year 2007. In his history has been an important source of raw materials and natural resources like coffee, sugar, soy beans, [...]

Tópicos para una Investigación de Mercado

By |2020-04-02T20:28:02-04:00Abril 30th, 2012|

1.- Investigación de Mercado para la comercialización de un nuevo producto ¿Cómo iniciar una investigación de mercado? Antes que nada, Usted debe investigar los tipos de clientes posibles en el área geográfica en la que pretende establecerse. Los resultados de esta actividad le permitirán saber a quién va a servir con sus productos o servicios. También debe [...]

Doing Business in India, the ABB cultural adaptation case

By |2020-04-02T20:28:02-04:00Abril 21st, 2012|

Brief Story of India India is the second most populous country in the world, with an estimate population approaching 1.200 million. Has a literacy rate of 65 percent with a great degree or regional variation. Almost 30 percent live in urban areas, with more than 35 cities reaching 1 million people. As a country, India covers [...]

Organization behavior: depends on the culture?

By |2020-04-02T20:28:02-04:00Abril 19th, 2012|

When we try to figure what is going to happen in the next years in the labor market, it is difficult to imagine that everything will be the same. Globalization, cross-culture interactions and influences, people´s aging, fast technological changes, and a large list of new scenarios and conditions will stress companies and employees. These conditions will [...]

Bet for emerging markets

By |2013-09-06T16:14:41-04:00Abril 11th, 2012|

As the world has become more competitive, global and complex every year, it is important to have information and a benchmark tool to analyze and understand how countries perform. In this scenario, for more than 30 years, the World Economic Forum´s annual Global Competitiveness Reports has elaborate The Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) that measures the productivity, [...]

Foreign Market Entry – An Article Review

By |2020-04-02T20:28:02-04:00Abril 8th, 2012|

Introduction One of the most important strategic decisions a company has to take is the way they will support and increase their activities in the long-term. For this, the firms have multiple opportunities abroad their frontiers. In this essay we will review some Foreign Market entry modes and considerations to take in account to capture some [...]

FDI in Developing Countries: The Chilean Mining Experience

By |2020-04-02T20:28:02-04:00Marzo 15th, 2012|

In the decade of the 60ies, the 45 percent of the copper production was in US Company´s hands, being the largest producer and consumer and accounting for most of the output of the copper mines of South America (Copper Development Association, n.d.), in the last years the industry has changed. Now Chile is the world´s major [...]

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